• Choose the moisturizing

    1, choose the moisturizing skin care products


    In the hot summer, on the issue of skin care, if the skin care products of our choice can deeply and thorou the skin, the skin naturally will not be dry and dehydrated, so the choice of skin care products is very crucial. Summer should choose fresh water-based skin care products, but due to higher temperatures in summer, the skin's water evaporation and faster, so skin care products light refreshing enough water, but also need to have the effect of moisturizing the lock water, moisturizing moisturizing refreshing lotion Is the best choice.


    The crush who choose moisturizing moisturizing type of skin care products, also need to choose according to their own different skin types. For example, oily skin crush, summer skin care is also very troublesome, you can use oil-free skin care products, the higher the degree of hydration as much as possible to reduce the burden on the skin; and dry skin can choose more moist emulsion, at night, Also use a refreshing lock night cream for the skin full of water and repair; neutral skin, only need to choose a simple and moist emulsion can be appropriate to replenish the skin moisture to maintain moisture.


    2, sunscreen products to be fresh


    Summer skin care, sunscreen is the top priority, sunscreen work well, can effectively prevent skin dark spots, however, there are a lot of sunscreen, after smearing there will always be greasy heavy feeling, but also to the skin Out of oil, not only did not play a sunscreen effect, but blocked the pores of the breath, leaving the skin more greasy, which breed acne problems. Recommended crush who choose to use fresh sunscreen to use, add the oil composition or antioxidant ingredients sunscreen, the more refreshing, the feeling after use will not be too greasy, in addition, sunscreen can choose a moderate sun protection factor, In short, sunscreen products to be fresh, the skin can avoid greasy dry.


    The above describes two methods of summer moisturizing, first of all, women should choose their own skin care products, but also remember that at night have to replenish the skin moisturizing, so the effect will be better! In the summer, we can not ignore the beauty of the skin Sun protection, white skin will be more beautiful, we have to take good care of the skin, in order to become younger.

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